Not totally photo related, not just a journal. A bit of both.

Monday, April 28, 2008

I save cows

So I am driving north of London near dusk last night - went to find a column of smoke I saw that turned out to be brush debris burning. Just East of Thorndale I came across this brown cow happily eating long grass in a ditch on the wrong side of the fence from his fellow cattle. I thought I was being fooled and didn't really see that so I turned around pulled over. Sure enough, the cow gave me one of those head on South Park cow looks as I interrupted his dinner. I thought of taking a pic but thought he was curious enough about me already and didnt want him climb up on the road. Didnt want the CRV cow slobbered or dented either... :)

I went up to the farm house - kinda abandoned looking - and no one appeared home. So I went north on Heritage Road to the next farm and saw a car with a passenger in the driveway near a grain silo. I told the woman what I saw and she said she would call them about it. Didnt seem surprised about it.

I assume that it would have eventually got on the road and at dusk it would have been tough to see. Though even a cow with those reflective bands on its ankles like cyclists wear would be still tough to see I imagine. :)

Therefore: I save cows.


Mike Wood Photography

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