Not totally photo related, not just a journal. A bit of both.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Corey in her trees

On the birch #3, cropped

Last set of Corey before she moved.  Shot on the last weekend of June in her large secluded backyard. Well sort of secluded... Most of the images were shot about ten feet up in her fallen birch tree. OK. I have no idea if it's a birch. She said it was. I grew up in a city. ;)

The remainder of this post after the jump break contains nudity and is NSFW.

On the birch #1, 2010

On the birch #2, 2010

On the birch #3, 2010

On the birch #4, 2010

This next one, On the birch #5, 2010, initially wasn't what I planned. When I reviewed this shot on the camera, with the big sky so prominent, she was underexposed. The flash power wasn't upped enough from the shot right before it, so it didn't provide sufficient fill at the distance I was at. But we really liked this shot for some reason. The shadows, for one, add texture and depth. Lots of things I could pick at, but I won't. A few things went right too.

On the birch #5, 2010

On the birch #6 -focal point, 2010


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