Not totally photo related, not just a journal. A bit of both.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Toronto City Guide Photoshops black guy into photo

On the cover of a City of Toronto Summer Fun guide, the city used a stock image and used PS to replace - badly - the head of the male with a black male. "The goal was to depict the diversity of Toronto and its residents," John Gosgnach, communications director for the social development division of the city, was quoted as saying in the National Post piece about the images.

Are there not photographers in the employ of the city who could shoot pics of an actual blended family in Toronto? Probably not, but I bet they could find a ethnically diverse stock photo somewhere. Or solicit one of actual Toronto residents.

That and learn how to Photoshop better.

Mr. Sack, who oversees city communications, was quoted in the article as saying:
"We're in one of the most diverse cities in the world. I hope that doesn't pose a problem for anybody. Capturing that diversity is not difficult. That's been our general experience."
Except this time when they couldn't do it. And had to fake it. Shame really, as I read somewhere Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world...


Mike Wood Photography

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