Just finished watching the hour long bio on Bravo called Curveball: W.P. Kinsella. In late 1994 or maybe early 1995, at Toronto's Harbourfront reading series, I got the opportunity to meet W.P. Kinsella and have him autograph a copy of Shoeless Joe and his then just released Brother Frank's Gospel Hour.
I remember him saying when autographing my 1st edition hardcover copy that he hadn't seen one of these in a while - it came out in 1982, and it was about five or six years after Field of Dreams was made.
I looked it up online just now, and one site has the book for sale for $400 US. I can't recall what I paid for it originally in 1994, perhaps something along the lines of $300 or maybe a bit less. Despite being a tad low on funds right now, I won't sell my copy. One of my all time favourites. And one of the very very few books that were not botched by Hollywood when turned into a film. Even Kinsella said he liked the movie.
He wrote to me in the inside of Brother Frank's Gospel Hour: "Go the Distance."
How cool is that?
Mike Wood Photography
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